
Are you involved in the genealogical community as a researcher, speaker, writer, educator, librarian, archivist, forensic specialist, or other service provider? Or are you ready to take your skills to the next level and become a professional genealogist? If so, we welcome you to join us!

Great Lakes Chapter membership is open to any interested current APG member. Like the Great Lakes themselves, our members traverse a number of states, from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin and from northern Michigan to the Ohio River Valley. We enjoy a rich variety of interests and backgrounds and are continually learning from one another.

Membership Benefits

  • Networking and knowledge sharing with other professional and aspiring genealogists
  • Discussions and presentations to foster skill development
  • Periodic research trips and repository tours
  • Inclusion in the Great Lakes APG Members Directory


The Great Lakes Chapter meets virtually each month on Zoom and in-person at the annual meeting. Monthly meetings provide an opportunity for members to learn about new developments in the field, share ideas regarding genealogical and business practices, keep up with continuing education opportunities, and foster connections with other genealogists. Some meetings feature presentations on professional skills or business development. For more details, please see the Events page.


Annual membership dues for the Great Lakes Chapter are only $15.00 per calendar year. Please be sure you are a current member of APG.

New Members: Please download and complete the membership form and return as directed. Dues may be paid electronically via PayPal or by U.S. mail.

Renewing Members: Dues may be paid electronically via PayPal or by U.S. mail.

Current APG members may download our application. Fill out and mail with a check for dues to our Chapter Treasurer. Members may also pay via PayPal and email the completed application to

Pay with PayPal

You may pay with your PayPal account or with a credit card. It is not mandatory that you create a PayPal account.